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B.Sc III Syllabus

B.Sc III Syllabus
                           B.Sc III Syllabus


B.Sc. III-Zoology (Semester-V)

Paper- -IX- DSE-1A Molecular Biology BMB

Unit No



Unit 1

 Nucleic Acids: Structure and types of  DNA and RNA, Watson and Crick model of DNA


Unit 2

DNA Replication : DNA Replication in prokaryotes and eukaryotes: Mechanism of replication  and enzymes involved in replication (DNA polymerase, DNA primase, DNA helicase, DNA ligase, topoisomerase) leading strand ,lagging strand and okazaki fragments 


Unit 3

Transcription : RNA polymerase and transcription Unit, mechanism of transcription in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, transcriptional factors.


Unit 4

Translation: Process of protein synthesis in prokaryotes and eukaryotes: Ribosome structure and assembly , mechanism of translation: initiation ,elongation and termination, Proteins (translational factors) involved in translation mechanism, amino-acyl tRNA synthetase and charging of tRNA; properties of genetic code and wobble hypothesis ; Difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic translation.   


Unit 5

Post Transcriptional Modifications and Processing of Eukaryotic RNA  Mechanism of Capping, Splicing (concept of exon and intron) and Polyadenylation of eukaryotic m- RNA and it’s significance.


Paper- -X- DSE-2 A: Principles of Genetics SSP 

 Unit No



Unit 1:

Basic Concepts in Genetics: concept of genes and alleles, homologus chromosomes,concept of homozygous and heterozygous , concept of dominance and recessive. 


Unit 2:

Mendelian Genetics ,allelic and genetic interaction: Laws of Mendelian Inheritance: Law of dominance ,law of segregation and law of independent assortment , Allelic interactions: Incomplete dominance and co-dominance, Multiple alleles, Lethal alleles; Gene Interactions: Supplementary, Complementary & Inhibitory interactions ,Examples of Sex-linked, sex-influenced and sex-limited characters inheritance.


Unit 3: 

Linkage, Crossing Over and Chromosomal Mapping: Linkage : Charactristics of genetic linkage ,types of linkage( complete and incomplete linkage)and crossing over, mechanisms of crossing over,steps of crossing over during meiosis, Recombination frequency as a measure of linkage intensity.


Unit 4:

 Mutations: Types of gene mutations (Classification), Types of chromosomal aberrations (Classification, figures and with one suitable example of each), Causes of mutation:physical and chemical mutation.Detection of mutations: CIB method.


Unit 5:

Sex Determination: Chromosomal mechanisms of sex determination; Human Genetic Disorders: Mechanism, symptoms, treatment: Down‘s Syndrome, Klinefeler‘s Syndrome and Turner‘s Syndrome


Unit 6:

Recombination in Bacteria and Viruses: Conjugation, Transformation, Transduction with examples


Paper- -XI- DSE-3 A: Endocrinology -SJB

 Unit No



Unit 1:

Introduction to Endocrinology. Brief introduction of endocrine glands, Classification, Characteristic and Transport of       Hormones


Unit 2:

Epiphysis : Location & structure of pineal gland, Secretions and their functions in biological rhythms and reproduction



Hypothalamo-hypophysial Axis : Structure of hypothalamus, Hypothalamic nuclei and their functions, Regulation of neuroendocrine glands, Feedback mechanism.


Unit 4:

Structure of pituitary gland, Hormones and their functions, Hypothalamo-hypophysial portal system, Control and Disorders of pituitary gland.


Unit 5:

Regulation of Hormone Action. Hormone action at Cellular level: Hormone receptors, transduction and regulation Hormone action at Molecular level: Molecular mediators, Genetic control of hormone action


Paper- -XII- DSE-4 A: Wildlife Conservation & Management. 


 Unit No



Unit 1:

Introduction to Wild Life - Importance of wild life- positive and negative; Importance of conservation; Conservation ethics;  ; World conservation strategies.


Unit 2:

Evaluation and Management of Wild life Habitat analysis, Physical parameters: Topography, Geology, Soil and water; Biological Parameters: food, cover, forage, browse and cover estimation; Standard evaluation procedures: remote sensing and GIS (applications).


Unit 3:

Management Planning of Wild life in Protected areas :- Estimation of carrying capacity; Eco tourism / wild life tourism in forests;


Unit 4:

Population Estimation: Methods of population estimation: Sex ratio computation; Fecal analysis of ungulates and carnivores: Hair identification, Pug marks and census method. Application of biostatistics in Biodiversity estimation: Analysis of Shannon and Simpson‘s Diversity Indices.


Unit 5:

Protected Areas; National parks & sanctuaries in India, Wetlands, Mangroves, Ramsar Sites, Zoogeographical regions of world and India, Biodiversity hotspots, Community reserve; important features of protected areas in India; Tiger conservation- Tiger reserves in India & its management challenges; Great Indian Bustard (GIB) Reserve & its management.


Unit 6

Wildlife Protection Acts and Conservation : Wildlife Conservation Laws in India; Social Movements for environmental conservation (delete):- Concept of environmental movement, Origin of Environmental Movements in India, Some of popular environmental Social (addition) movements in India. Definition and concept of different categories of IUCN’s Red Data list4

Paper- -XIII- DSE-1B Animal Physiology: Life-Sustaining Systems


 Unit No



Unit 1:


Physiology of Digestion  Structural organization and functions of gastrointestinal tract and associated glands; Mechanical and chemical digestion of food; Digestion and absorption in stomach and intestine; Hormonal control of secretion of enzymes in Gastrointestinal tract.


Unit 2:


Physiology of Respiration  General mechanism of respiration in mammals, Pulmonary ventilation; Respiratory volume and capacities; Transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide in blood; Dissociation curves and the factors. influencing it; Control of respiration: Chemical & Nervous.


Unit 3:

Respiratory pigments: Types structure and function Hemoglobin, hemocyanin, erythrocruorin-chlorocruorin, hemerythrin


Unit 4:

Renal Physiology Structure of Kidney and its functional unit (nephron); Mechanism of urine formation; Regulation of water balance; Regulation of acid-base balance; Dialysis.


Unit 5:

Blood and Blood groups : Haematopoiesis – Brief account, Components of blood – RBC, WBC & Platelets and their functions; Blood clotting system, Complement system & Fibrinolytic system.  Types of Blood groups -ABO and MN type, blood group antigens, Rh factor & Erythroblastosis Foetalis.


Unit 6:

Physiology of Heart  Structure of mammalian heart; Origin, structure & working of heart beat ( SA Node, AV Node & Purkinje‘s Fibre ), Coronary circulation; Pacemaker.


Unit 7:

Cardiac cycle: Cardiac output and its regulation, nervous and chemical regulation of heart rate. Electrocardiogram, Blood pressure and its regulation


Unit 8:

Physiology of Stress 1. Introduction to stress physiology. 2. Managing stress by exercise, yoga and meditation


Paper- -XIV- DSE-2B :Evolutionary Biology- SSP


 Unit No



Unit 1:

Chemogeny, RNA world, organic evolution, Evolution of eukaryotes.


Unit 2

Lamarckism, Darwinism, Neo-Darwinism


Unit 3:

Fossil record (types of fossils, transitional forms) geological time scale, evolution of horse, Recapitulation theory, Homologus and Analogus organs


Unit 4:

Hardy-Weinberg Law: statement and derivation of equation, application of law to human Population; Evolutionary forces upsetting H-W equilibrium: Natural selection, genetic drift, mutation and migration


Unit 5:

Micro evolutionary changes - inter-population variations, clines, races, species concept, isolating mechanisms, modes of speciation—allopatric, sympatric & parapatric; Adaptive radiation/ macroevolution as exemplified by Galapagos finches.


Unit 6:

Unique hominin characteristics contrasted with primate characteristics, primate phylogeny from Dryopithecus leading to Homo sapiens, molecular analysis of human origin; Socio-cultural evolution of man




 Unit No



Unit 1:

Introduction to Animal Behavior  Origin and history of Ethology; Brief profiles of Karl Von Frish, Ivan Pavlov, Konrad Lorenz, Niko Tinbergen, Proximate and ultimate causes of behavior.


Unit 2:

Patterns of Behaviour Stereotyped Behaviours (Orientation, Reflexes); Instinct vs. Learnt Behavior; Associative learning,  classical and operant conditioning, Habituation, Imprinting.


Unit 3:

Social Behavior  Concept of Society; Communication and the senses; Altruism; Insects‘ society with Honey bee as example; Foraging & dance language in honey bee and its advantages.


Unit 4:

Sexual Behavior  Asymmetry of sex, Sexual dimorphism, Mate choice, Intra-sexual selection (male rivalry), Intersexual selection (female choice).


Unit 5:

Introduction to Chronobiology  Historical developments in chronobiology; Biological oscillation: the concept of average, amplitude, phase and period. Adaptive significance of biological clocks.


Unit 6:

Biological Rhythm Types and characteristics of biological rhythms: Short- and Long- term rhythms; Circadian rhythms; Tidal rhythms and Lunar rhythms; Photoperiod and regulation of seasonal reproduction in vertebrates; Role of melatonin in biological rhythms.


Unit 7:

Biological Clocks Relevance of biological clocks; Chronopharmacology, Chronomedicine, Chronotherapy.


Unit 8:

Chronobiology and drug discovery  Brief idea of chronopharmacology and its role in various diseases



 Paper- -XVI- DSE-4B : Applied Zoology


 Unit No





Introduction to Aquaculture:  Fish Culture, Breeding Pond, Fish Seed, Hatching pond. Transport of fish fry to rearing ponds. Harvesting, preservation of fish. By products of fishing industry and common fish diseases; Prawn  culture: Culture of fresh water prawn




Fisheries: Inland Fisheries; Marine Fisheries Fishing crafts and Gears; Depletion of fisheries resources; Application of remote sensing and GIS in  fisheries; Fisheries law and regulations. Application of biostatistics in Fishery: morphometric analysis of length, weight to determine mean, mode, variance and standard deviation




Apiculture:  a) Apiculture: Species of honey bees in India. Life history of Apis. Methods of Bee keeping. Bee products and their uses. Natural enemies and their control.; Medicinal value of honey; Importance of bee colonies in crop pollination.



Lac culture Lac insect and its life cycle, Cultivation of lac insect, host plants, processing and uses of lac.


Unit 5:


Sericulture Types of silk; Silkworms and their host plants; Mulberry silkworm culture; Life history of silkworm; Natural enemies and their control


Unit 6:


Dairy Management Introduction to common dairy animals. Techniques of dairy management. Milk and milk products. Cattle Diseases.


Unit 7:


Poultry Management  Types of breeds. Rearing method. Diseases and control measures. Housing and Equipment, Deep litter System, Laying cages, Methods of brooding and Rearing,. Feed formulations for chicks, Diseases of fowl. Nutritive value of egg and meat. Incubation and hatching of eggs.




Recent advances applied zoology  Zebrafish as a model organism in research, transgenic animals (Salmon, chicken, goat, pigs) & its significance.


Practical -I

DSE-1A Molecular Biology:-Practicals

1) Cell Division: Study of meiosis in onion bud

2) Molecular Biology: Isolation of DNA from suitable material

3) Chromatography: Demonstration/ Separation of amino acids using paper chromatography by TLC

4) Quantitative estimation of DNA using colorimeter (Diphenylamine reagent)

5) Quantitative estimation of RNA using Orcinol reaction

6) Demonstration of DNA and RNA using methyl green pyronine

7) Demonstrate of retrieval of gene sequence using bioinformatics tools - NCBI, Entrez, BLAST- -hemoglobin / insulin-- gene /protein in FASTA format

8) Electrophoresis: Demonstration of electrophoretic separate of protein /DNA  by/Agarose/PAGE method

9) Codon Analysis: To find out codon sequences for known polypeptide chain of ten amino

acids or to find out amino acid sequence from given codons (chart will be provided)

10) Karyotyping: Study of human Karyotype(s): Normal male and female (Classification of

chromosomes according to size and position of centromere); Down syndrome, Klinefelter‘s

syndrome, Turners syndrome using pictures of karyotypes & Idiograms


DSE- 1B Animal Physiology: Life Sustaining Systems

1. Estimation of salivary amylase activity

2.Measurement of blood pressure and heart beat under normal and any two physical stress condition.

3. Determination of Body Mass Index (BMI)

4.Enumeration of Red Blood Cells (RBCs) and White Blood Cells (WBCs) using haemocytometer.

5. Differential count of WBCs using Leishman‘s/Geimsa stain

6. Estimation of haemoglobin and carrying capacity of blood.

7. Preparation of haemin crystals

8. To determine blood clotting time using capillary method

9.Determination of abnormal and normal constituents of urine

10. Estimation of normal oxygen (O2) consumption using any aquatic animal and /or effect of temperature on the  rate of oxygen consumption

11. Histological studies of mammalian organs: oesophagus, stomach, duodenum, ileum, rectum, liver, trachea, lung, kidney

12. Estimation of uric acid from sample

13 .Field Visits: Local water bodies for collection of planktons / Visit to medical college/ blood

bank / IVF center, / Pranayam and yoga meditation center for study and submission of report

(*Subject to UGC guidelines)




Practical –II

DSE- 2A Principles of Genetics

1. Examples in Genetics based on Monohybrid ratio (05 examples)

2. Examples in Genetics based on Dihybrid ratio (05 examples)

3. Examples based on multiple alleles: Blood groups, Coat color in rabbit (05 examples)

4. Examples based on gene interactions (Complementary, Supplementary & Inhibitory interactions) (05 examples).

5. Examples based on human genetic traits: Rolling tongue, free & attached ear lobes, hitchhiker‘s thumb, PTC

taste, Widows Peak Hairline (01 example from each)

6. Laboratory culture of Drosophila to study its life cycle

7. Study of normal genetic traits of Drosophila using cultured material

8. Pedigree analysis of some human inherited traits

9. Fieldwork to collect data on genetic diseases from local hospitals

10. To perform statistical analysis (age, sex, family history etc.) of data on genetical diseases from local hospitals  (Bar diagram, Pie Chart)

DSE- 2B Evolutionary Biology

1. Study of types of fossils using samples available in Zoology and Geology Lab./or models (for eg. Limulus, Peripatus, Dipnoi, Sphenodon, Archaeopteryx, examples based on: Molluscan, Echioderms, Brachiopods and as available in laboratory)

2. Study of Zoogeographical Regions of world to understand the concept of speciation with examples

3. Study of biogeographic zones of India to study evolutionary variation and adaptation in species with examples

4. Study of macroevolution using Darwin‘s Finches using charts/models

5. Study of homologous organs from suitable specimens/models in the museum

6. Study of analogous organs from suitable specimens/ models in the museum

7. Study of adaptive radiation in mammals from museum specimens/models

8. Examples based on Hardy Weinberg Law (08 examples)

9. Study of phylogeny of horse using model/charts (reconstruction using limbs and teeths of horse ancestors)

10. Construction of phylogenetic tree using bioinformatic tools/softwares (Searching sequences of any five genes or proteins using biological databased (NCBI, GenBank or DDBJ, construct phylogenetic tree using Clustal X, Phylip, NJ & submit the report).

11. Visit to natural history museum and submission of report

12.Project work- Research project should be prepared in consultation with faculty either individually or in group as required. The research guide will support students in selecting and executing the entire topic and preparing the report for final submission during examination after approval of the guide in the following format-

(a) Format of Report: Title, Introduction, Review of literature, Objectives, Material and Methodology, Result and discussion, Conclusion & References

(b) Submission & presentation of research work: At the time of practical examination submit the  final project report (hard copy) and present your research findings using ‗PowerPoint‘



Practical –III      

Practicals- DSE- 3A Endocrinology–

1. Identification explanation of endocrine glands in rat using model / virtual method

2. Study of the permanent slides of endocrine glands: Pineal, pituitary, testis, ovary and placenta

3. Observation of insect life cycle and its hormonal control- metamorphosis

4. Observation of amphibian metamorphosis and its hormonal control.

5. Study of circadian functions in human and its correlation with hormones (daily eating & pre & post-meal insulin

level, sleep & role of melatonin and day length & body temperature w. r. t. hypothalamus).

6. To study cyclical variation in body temperature during menstrual cycle using model/chart

7. To study flight and fight behavior to understand reflex action and role of adrenalin hormone

8. To collect data on hormonal disorders from local hospitals and its interpretation

9. Hormonal regulation of reproductive hormones in human with age using chart

10. Study of contraceptive pills with reference to hormone and its mechanism

11. Visit to IVF centre/hospital and submit a report



1. Observation of nests and nesting behavior of the birds.

2. Observation of termatoria of ants and termites.

3. Study and observation of casts in ants and honey bees.

4. Observation of geotaxis behaviour in earthworm.

5. Observation of phototaxis behaviour in insect larvae.

6. Observation of intra-specific behavior: Dancing behavior in honey bees; flocking behavior in birds and Courtship

behavior in Great Indian Bustard and Peacock (virtual)

7. Observation of inter-specific behavior between: Ant-Acacia, Buffalo-cattle egret, Fig-wasp pollination, Root

nodules-bacteria, Tick-dog using models/charts/museum specimens

8. Recording and interpretation of calls, songs, vocalizations of insects (e.g. cricket), amphibians, birds and

mammals and their importance in signaling behavior (based on actual records or internet collection)

9. Observation of foraging behavior in ants to study chemo-signaling

10. Observation of foraging behavior in Calotes, Hemidactylus, Chameleon and Naja

11. Observation of nest parasitism in Asian koel

12. Study tour /:

(a) Agriculture research center, Yoga & Meditation center, Biotechnology lab, etc.

(b)summer or winter training programmes/workshops/field survey with NGOs & GOs: students

can work in various institutes/laboratories/NGOs etc. for period up to 07 days and prepare a report for submission during exam

(c) Visit to Forest/ Biodiversity Park/Zoological Park to study behavioural activities of animals and prepare a short report.



Practical –IV

Practical-DSE 4 A- Wildlife Conservation & Management

1. Temporary preparation to study of faunal diversity of zooplanktons/insects/mollusca from surrounding area

2. Study of faunal diversity (amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals) from campus & surrounding area

3. Demonstration of basic tools for field studies: Binocular, Global Positioning System, Cameras,

Plankton & butterfly collecting net, insect collecting bottles, Mounting chamber for insects &

preservation of museum specimens

4. Identification of animals through pug marks, hoof marks, scats, pellet groups, nest, antlers etc.

5. Casting of pug marks of common animals using plaster of Paris in and around campus

6. To perform line transect and quadrat method to study diversity in and around campus

7. To calculate species richness, abundance and Shannon diversity indices from collected data

8. Study of endangered species from India, their bio-geographic distribution and conservation status:

Great Indian Bustard, Jerdon‘s Courser, Lesser Florican, Asian Elephant, Nilgiri Tahr, lion-tailed macaque, Nilgiri Langur, Lion, Sarus crane, Ganges River Dolphin, Hoolock Gibbon, Wild Ass,

Olive Ridley Sea Turtle, Indian Pangolin, Leopard Cat.

9. Study of IUCN Categorization of Red List of animals (Data deficient, Least concern, Near Threatened, Vulnerable, Endangered, Critically endangered, Extinct in wild and Extinct)

10. Visit to local/state/national wildlife sanctuary or protected area or zoo and submission of report

Practical - DSE 4B- Applied Zoology

1. Morphometric and meristic characters of fishes (Length, width, weight, fins, scale type etc.)

2. Identification of major carps (Labeo, Catla, Mrigal, Cyprinus)

3. Preparation and study of temporary mount of cycloid and placoid scale from preserved specimens

4. Preparation and study of models of crafts, gears and their importance in Fisheries

5. Analysis of water quality parameters for Aquaculture: estimation of pH, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS); dissolved O2 and free CO2 and hardness of given sample.

6. Study of honey bee morphology and identification of castes in honey bees (museum


7. Observation of life cycle of mulberry silkworm, Bombyx mori (model/chart/specimens) and life cycle of tasar silkworm, Antheraea mylitta.

8. Test for good quality eggs (Floating test, cracking test) and for fertilized and unfertilized eggs (Light test, Cracking test).

9. Common dairy and poultry breeds in Solapur district

10. Biostatics: examples based on fish morphometry (any 05)

10. Demonstration of induced breeding in Fishes (video/model)

12. Tour/Review of research:

a) Excursion/Study Tour:- Visit to any National Parks/ Zoo parks / visit to any fish farm/

pisciculture unit/or Lab./marine water / freshwater habitat / Wildlife Sanctuaries / National or State

Research Institutes / University departments / or other appropriate Institutes/poultry/dairy/sericulture units.OR b) Review of research work / student research publication: Review of 10 research papers related to zoology or life science and to prepare a review articles of minimum 5-10 pages

OR c) Publication of one research paper in a peer reviewed journal in collaboration with teacher (accepted/published or personated research paper in seminar/conferences/symposia and submission of copy of presented paper with certificate


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